The Alaska Behavioral Health Association in partnership with the Alaska Department of Health and Division of Public Health is soliciting proposals for Opioid Settlement Mini-Grants.

The State of Alaska is in the midst of an opioid crisis. According to the 2023 Drug Overdose Mortality Update released by the Alaska Health Analytics and Vital Records Section and the Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention, 1,757 overdose deaths occurred between 2014 and 2023. In 2023 alone, 357 people suffered fatal overdoses, a 44.5% increase from 2022. That equates to 49.5 deaths per 100,000 people compared to the national average of 31.3 in 2023.

In 2024, at the direction of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Opioid Remediation, the State of Alaska’s Division of Public Health funded $2.8M in grants to support opioid crisis efforts across the seven Public Health regions in the state. Nineteen grantees were awarded including the Alaska Behavioral Health Association (ABHA) as the statewide grantee charged with supporting awarded programs through technical assistance and the facilitation of monthly meetings. In addition, ABHA is the steward of $150,000 to be used as mini-grants for up to 15 applicants.

Mini-grant funding is allocated to support prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery activities across the state, as allowable and outlined by Attachment A of the final settlement agreement. Please note, this funding is not allowed to backfill existing efforts.

Application Details

    • Agencies, organizations, educational institutions, crisis response teams, community groups, tribal health organizations, grassroots programs, faith-based entities, and other organized bodies are eligible to apply.

    • Applicants must be based in and provide services within at least one of the seven (7) Public Health regions.

    • An applicant does NOT need to be a 501(c)(3) or other recognized tax exempt organization.

    • Individuals are not eligible to apply.

    • Current Opioid Settlement Grantees are not eligible to apply.

  • Proposals will be accepted from all seven (7) of the Public Health regions. These are:




    4. REGION 4 – MAT-SU




    If you are uncertain what region you are in, you may use this interactive map to determine location.

    Applicants must designate in what region proposal activities will occur.

  • Applicants must review Attachment A and ensure activities fit into one or more categories of Approved Uses. Please read details under each category to determine where your activities fall.

    Approves Uses of Funding are:

    1. Treat Opioid Use Disorder

    2. Support People in Treatment and Recovery

    3. Connect People Who Need Help to the Help They Need (Connections to Care)

    4. Address the Needs of Criminal Justice-Involved Persons

    5. Address the Needs of Pregnant or Parenting Women & Their Families, Including Babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

    6. Prevent Over-Prescribing & Ensure Appropriate Prescribing & Dispensing of Opioids

    7. Prevent Misuse of Opioids

    8. Prevent Overdose Deaths & Other Harms (Harm Reduction)

    9. First Responders

    10. Leadership, Planning & Coordination

    11. Training

    12. Evaluation

  • The proposal application is limited to four sections:

    1. Applicant Details

    2. Agency Information

    3. Project Narrative and Outcomes

    4. Project Budget

    Please ensure all sections are complete. Incomplete applications may be considered non-compliant and disqualified for funding.

    Letters of support and commitment are unnecessary.

    For those who need assistance with completing the application, they may reach out to Lance Johnson, COO for the Alaska Behavioral Health Association, at

    • Proposals must have a budget clearly supporting activities in the narrative.

    • Proposals must be for a minimum of $10,000 and not exceed $15,000.

    • Your budget proposal must include detail, e.g., Project Director = $10,000, and narrative, e.g., a .3 FTE Project Director will be hired to oversee…. The Director’s wage is $42/hr with a 30% contribution of time to the project for a total of….

    • Organizations may submit more than one proposal if the activities will be in a different Public Health region. Multiple proposals are not guaranteed to be funded.

    • Funds must be expended one year from date of receipt.

    • Each grantee is required to complete and submit an End-of-Project report no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the project.

    • An End-of-Project reporting form will be sent to grantees upon award and posted on a dedicated grantees’ site.

    • Grant proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be considered until funding is expended. A notice will be posted on this site once application solicitation is closed.

    • Application reviews will take 10-15 business days with award decision notification between 12-17 business days.

    • Funds will be disbursed through electronic payments to awardees.