Project Title
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Approved Uses for Funds
Please indicate under which category of Approved Uses you plan to provide activities.
A. Treat Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
B. Support People in Treatment & Recovery
C. Connect People Who Need Help to the Help They Need (Connections to Care)
D. Address the Needs of Criminal Justice-Involved Persons
E. Address the Needs of Pregnant or Parenting Women & Their Families, Including Babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
F. Prevent Over-Prescribing & Ensure Appropriate Prescribing & Dispensing of Opioids
G. Prevent Misuse of Opioids
H. Prevent Overdose Deaths & Other Harms (Harm Reduction)
I. First Responders
J. Leadership, Planning & Coordination
K. Training
L. Evaluation
Please describe your organization's Mission, staffing structure, history, and previous experience in providing services the same as, or similar to, those proposed.
1. Describe the proposed project in the text box below, identifying the ways in which it will address the opioid concerns in your community(ies) served.
2. Clearly identify project resources and activities, and clearly state the project's anticipated goals, objectives, and outcomes.
3. Describe the target population and service area(s) of the proposed project.
1. Personnel
Identify and describe the expenses related to wage and fringe for any personnel paid through this award.
2. Travel
Identify and describe the expenses related to Travel. Please breakdown by anticipated costs for flight, lodging, per diem, transportation, if applicable.
3. Facilities
Describe and identify costs for Facilities to support project activities. This may be rent, utilities, etc.
4. Supplies
Describe and identify costs for Supplies to support project activities. These may include office supplies, program supplies, medical supplies, etc. Note: Food expenses are not allowed.
5. Equipment
Describe and identify costs for Equipment to support project activities. Note: Equipment costs are for items that are more than $5,000.
6. Other Costs
Describe and identify other costs to support project activities. Examples include consultant costs, professional services, and similar items.
7. Indirect
If you have an indirect rate, please include the percentage and total expense. Note: Contractor and equipment costs are excluded from calculation.