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University of Alaska Anchorage CHD: Examining FASD Diagnosis ECHO

Program Overview

The Examining FASD Diagnosis ECHO is a virtual learning network that will explore the necessity of establishing a holistic system of care to support those impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure. The series will feature the expertise of those with lived experience and professionals in screening, assessment, and evaluation, as well as treatment integration.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the relationship between neurodevelopmental disorders, prenatal alcohol exposure, and FASD

  • Increase knowledge of current FASD diagnostic strategies

  • Describe the latest tools and systems that will increase access to interventions for people with prenatal alcohol exposure.

  • Explore the use of assessment as both a tool for advocacy and a lever for systems change.

  • Examine the barriers and potential solutions to building and establishing a system of care that empowers those impacted to thrive.

Intended Audience

Interdisciplinary, multi-sector clinical and non-clinical experts who provide supports and services to individuals impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure.

Certification & Credits

More information will be available on continuing education credit.

Contact Information

Email: | Website: 

Project ECHO Team | Center for Human Development | University of Alaska Anchorage

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